LTE Viterbi decoderProduct code: TC2200 |
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TC2200 is a high-throughput low-latency Viterbi decoder core optimized for 3GPP-LTE specifications.
It is available for ASIC and FPGA.
Its highly parallel architeture enables to reach decoded throughput above 600 Mbit/s on high end process nodes.
Functional coverage:
- 64-states convolutional code with tail biting
- 20 to 1024 bits payload with bit-granularity
- code rate 1/3
- low latency
- parametrized traceback length
- parametrized quantization width
- on-the-fly change of block length, traceback length
- self-contained: no external memory required
- Silicon proven
- ASIC Core: Verilog or VHDL RTL source code
- FPGA Core available on all popular Altera, Lattice and Xilinx devices