ITU / Homeplug AV decoderProduct code: TC4410 |
TC4410 is a versatile decoder core that is fully compliant with ITU and Homplug AV specifications. It supports a decoded throughput on high end process nodes up to:
- 1 Gbits/s in mode
- 600 Mbits/s in Homeplug AV mode
The corresponding LDPC encoder is also available (TC4410enc).
Functional coverage:
- repetition handling
- block size: 168 to 4320 payload bits
- code rates covered: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 16/18, 20/21
- repetition handling
- block sizes 16, 32, 136, 520 bytes
- code rates 1/2, 16/21, 16/18
- repetition handling (buffer and interfacing)
- iteration stopping feature
- channel BER estimator
- frame-by-frame programmability of code rate, block size, number of iterations
- ASIC delivery: Verilog or VHDL RTL code
- Single FPGA Core (no external memory required), available on all popular Xilinx, Altera and Lattice devices
Related Cores:
- ITU / Homeplug AV encoder (TC4410enc)
- - LDPC decoder (TC4400)
- Homeplug AV turbo decoder (TC1400)